Here are some examples of different assignments we have undertaken over the years. Everything from technically advanced to more communicative solutions mainly on the web and through social media.
Magnusson Fine Wine
Our most complex assignmen t. We continually develop MFW Cellartracker™. Here customers of MFW can seek and select wines and get a clear overview of their wine collection as well as add their own information regarding tasting notes, purchasing opportunities and personal taste observations.
Restaurant Pelikan
With a pedigree going back to 1633 it felt like a real honour to be given the confidence to decorate and renovate this historic restaurant on the web.
Restaurant Blå Porten
The classic Djurgården-idyll, Blå Porten, was forced to close its gates for renovation over an indeterminate amount of time. The property was historically listed. Information had to reach all guests as quickly as possible. We provided ideas, design, for print, web and social media.
Restaurant Prinsen
Peter Nordin from PDF Brasserie Group (now Brasseriegruppen) contacted us with regards to redisigning the home page for the reputable Stockholm establishment, Restaurant Prinsen. Peter showed us a book about the restaurant that his father Leon Nordin had written. We should use the book for inspiration and so we did.
Ohlsonsmith Design Agency
The design bureau Ohlsonsmit h chose our service ”Gallery” to create and maintain their homepages themselves without any knowledge of HTML or js. It didn't take long before the bureau's fantastic design range was in place on the internet.
The Svenska Biljardförbundet played host to the
3-cushion Nordic Championship in association with Söderbiljarden. We set up profiles, names and a homepage and together with our service "press" created a hub for the handling of information, pictures and profile material for arrangers, players, the press and sponsors.
Wienercafé webbshop
wcafé.se, could have been Sweden's first responsive webshop . Unfortunately time ran out and its launch had to be put on the shelf.
Kamarina, a family-run Greek restaurant, urgently needed a new responsive homepage. Photos were arranged and a few days later the homepage was in place.
Nem Nem - Vietnamese Cuisine
Nem Nem means spring roll and is a well-patronised Vietnamese restaurant on Södermalm. We were given the assignment to distinguish it from other Asian restauran ts. The Vietnamese rice-hat and the flooded paddy fields became our lead motif. We created this profile for both print and web publication.
Inter IKEA, Quality Hotels, Magnusson Fine Wine, Restaurant Prinsen, Ward Wines, Gotska Fastighete r, Restaurang Pelikan, Andy's Lekland, Urb-it Associates, Webstep, Blå Porten, Skandinaviens Facility Management, Il Tempo, Fotograf Mikael Ullén, Big Pack Scandinavia, Villa Godthem, Safe Capital, Advokatfirman Arxis, Café Milano, Brasserie Le Rouge, Le Bar, Wireteknik, Zink Grill, Pigmenta Måleri, Restaurang Agaton, Stockholms Carambole Club, Wienercaféet, Ohlsonsmith, Boqueria , Prinsen Bar, Trattorian, Bar Burger Café.
Thank you to the following photographers.
Alexandre Perotto, Austin Schmid, Carl Nenzen Loven, Devin Rajaram, Eric Micheal, Ingemar "Mocka" Axén, Julia Caesar, Mantra Media, Matthew Wiebe, Oscar Keys, Padurariu Alexandru, Paul Earle, Viktor Jakovlev.